Graphics Repair

If you having a problem with your laptop and not getting any display on your screen there may be a fault with your graphics card or integrated graphics chipset. This can failure can usually be repaired by having the GPU* reflowed or reballed.

If you have any of the following faults then it’s most like the GPU has failed:

  • Blank screen with no display
  • 3 beeps (two long and one short beep)
  • Fuzzy or corrupt display
  • Multiple split display

* GPU – Graphics Processing Unit

Apple / All other Laptops i3 Graphics Chip Relacement £45.00 [wpecpp name=”Graphics Chip Relacement – i3″ price=”45″ align=”left”]
Apple / All other Laptops i5 & i7 Graphics Chip Relacement £60.00 [wpecpp name=”Graphics Chip Relacement – i5 & i7″ price=”60″ align=”left”]
Phone: 07478740575
Wigham House, 16 Wakening Road, Barking IG11 8PJ
2a Westbury Road E7 8BU
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